Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Gas-Saving Ideas From ASE


As years past, prices of commodities, services, even tuition fees increases (hopefully our income as well). Anyway, everything goes up and one of the common concerns of consumers around the world is the high prices at the gas station. We never seem to get price roll up, sad to say, and facing these realities, a lot of us  find ways to keep up with it – sharing rides, making every trip count, buying more economical cars, taking public transportation instead of driving their own car are some of the cost-saving ideas many of us consider doing.

However, there are a number of individuals who necessitate the use of  a vehicle in their everyday lives, perhaps because of their line of work. Hence, many are still yearning to find solutions in saving from gasoline expenses. Well, these yearnings are no longer a lingering thought but today you will learn some gas-saving tips that you yourself can do.

The experts from ASE, National Institute of Automotive Service Excellence gathered some easy-to-follow ideas on fuel conservation and how to utilize your car’s miles per gallon at its optimum level.

Gas saving ideas that you can do without an expert mechanics help.

Regularly Monitor Tire Condition  

Tires that are under-inflated or if you have misaligned wheels while driving ,forces your engine to work twice than its normal pace. This means more waste on your fuel consumption. Knowing the condition of your tire and by resolving the problem immediately, you can avoid the extra expenses on fuel.

Remove Unnecessary and Extra Weight

Weight affects mileage, thus removing those extra weight that’s been tagging along with you for so long will surely bring about better mileage. Time to get the junk out of the trunk!

Maximize Every Trip

Plan your trip. This is very simple and yet most of us neglect to see the value of saving on gas and mileage if we have an organized and well planned trips and errands that we do everyday. Before you leave for work or whatever it is that you do daily, it is best to know your route and plan where to go first, next and then to your last stop. It is not only convenient but time-saving, gas-saving, fast and you get to finish all your task.

Don’t Forget To Have Your Engine Tuned-Up

Although you can easily do filter and fluid replacement at home by simply following your owner’s manual, it is best to let ASE-certified automobile technicians do the work for you, considering that most vehicles today are manufactured with high-tech engines.
Make sure that issues such as poor acceleration, rough idling and increase in fuel usage get corrected right away.

Use Your A/C and Windows Wisely

When driving at highway speeds, keep your windows up to minimize air drag. And if you are in stop-and-go traffic, save fuel consumption by turning off your A/C.

Turn off Engine To Avoid Excessive Idling

If you are fetching someone and need to wait for a while, turn off your engine. If it’s hot, get out of the car so you can refrain from turning on the A/C while waiting.

Avoid Speeding

Observe speed limits. Keep in mind that speeding decreases miles per gallon.

Drive Gently

Avoid abrupt acceleration, it sucks up gas like crazy. Speed up gradually. Knowing your route ahead of time and anticipating the traffic patterns of your way helps you maintain good driving speed.

By simply applying these simple ideas to your own vehicle and driving habits, you are certain to save on gas and mileage. Know that ASE certified technicians wear blue and white insignia and carries with them their credentials, listing the exact area(s) of certification. Most employers the blue and white ASE sign on their walls.

ASE aims to improve automotive service and repair by continuously putting effort in providing voluntary testing and certification of auto service professionals. A million thanks to the untiring support of ASE.    #CommunityTirePros.com

Image Source: saveongas